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Red Rose Bakery Hiring

Red Rose Bakery is hiring in the following locations:

Toms River NJ
Howell NJ

The following positions are now open:

Front counter help
Kitchen help

Some responsibilities will be:

Stocking bakery cases with the product, arranging the display case in an appealing manner, Ensuring all baked goods are completed on time for opening & closing, prepping products for the front, welcoming customers, answering product questions, helping customers locate certain items, learning ingredients in items, and providing advice or recommendations on products. Operating scanners, scales, cash registers, and other electronics. … Learning the POS system, accepting payments, ensuring all prices and quantities are accurate, and proving a receipt to every customer. Kitchen help will help with dishes, prep items to be baked, dating products for the correct shelf life, adding labels to products, helping decorate cakes, cupcakes, and more.

You will be REQUIRED to: 

Be to work on time, work weekends, be able and willing to travel and get to either of the 2 locations, follow all dress codes, follow all board of health rules and requirements, and more.

    Red Rose Bakery, Toms River NJ, Howell NJ, Bakery

    Toms River NJ Bakery (732) 955-7895


    1843A Hooper Avenue | Toms River, NJ

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